Oleh Verhelis

Head of the literary and dramaturgical department, honored journalist of Ukraine

Head of the literary and dramaturgical department
Honored journalist of Ukraine.
Member of the National Union of Theater Actors of Ukraine and the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine.
Author of more than 3,000 publications on Ukrainian and world culture.
Theater and film critic, writer, publicist, art reviewer of information and analytical portals “Glavkom” and “Mirror of the week. Ukraine”, pedagogue, expert of the National Shevchenko Committee, deputy head of the NSTU for media and communications.
Laureate of all-Ukrainian and international literary contests.
Author of books about Ukrainian theater: “Theatre where hearts break”, “Ukrainian drama”, “People’s artist”.
Laureate of the international literary competition “Glass of Time” named after Guy de Maupassant for short prose – the story “An old actress in the role of a billionaire”.
2009 — laureate of the All-Ukrainian media competition “Golden Feather” (2002) for the best coverage of the country’s cultural life in the columns of the All-Ukrainian newspaper “Kyivski Vidomosti”, winner of the “Golden Feather” special award from the National Union of Theater Actors of Ukraine “For Creative Contribution”.
2010 — Yurii Dolgorukyi International Literary Award for the book “Ticket to Yesterday’s Performance”.
2011 — Gogol Literary Award of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine for the non-fiction book “Anti-Ranevska”.
2018 — Art prize “Kyiv” named after Amvrosia Buchma for books about Ukrainian theater.


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